Sunday, January 5, 2014

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness plays an important part in the wellness of young children. It is important to get the proper amounts of physical fitness to prevent childhood obesity. Physical fitness is necessary to improve bone health. Physical fitness is vital in helping muscles develop. Cardiorespiratory will be improved with physical fitness. Physical fitness is essential for body composition.
At this age children are learning to use locomotors skills, manipulative skills and social skills.

Physical activities help master these skills.
Teachers will need to provide plenty of physical actives to master these skills.

Physical activities can help develop locomotive skills. Actives that include running, hopping, jumping and sliding will develop and master locomotive skills

  “Manipulative skills involve moving objects with hands and feet.
 Children use manipulative skills to catch, throw, kick, roll, dribble, and strike.”

“Children need to develop basic competency in fundamental motor skills for games, sports, and lifetime physical activity.

To master manipulative skills activities with catching, throwing, kicking, dribbling and batting need to be provided for children.

 To master small motor skills playing and bouncing small balls help.
Playing kick ball game helps master large motor skills and manipulative skills.

Physical activities help master social skills.

 The games involved in physical fitness promote taking turns which helps social skills.


When children do not engage in Physical activities, they risk obesity.

 Children also will develop low self-esteem from being overweight.

To avoid the negative effects, of being overweight, children need to be active.

 Children risk their wellness also when they are not active.

Teachers and parents need to encourage physical activity for children.
For a happy healthy child, keep them active.

                                                        Good physical  habits                                                

Adults can help children develop good physical habits by providing plenty of physical activities daily.

One activity to develop locomotive skills appropriate for this age is hop scotch.

Children toss a small bean bag into numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve bean bag.

An activity to develop manipulative skills is playing a game catch.

Children throw the ball to each other and catch it.

 When thinking about planning physical actives. Keep it fun, and children will develop a love of physical activities.

                                                       Inspirational thought                

“All it takes to encourage an active start is a little time and imagination and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.”

This is the attitude I have as well.

                                                              Positive impact                           

“By participating in physical activity, evidence suggests that children’s bone health, body composition, 
cardiorespiratory, and muscular fitness will improve."
Physical activity will positively affect your health now and in the future.

So with that being said…

 Let's have no couch potatoes here!

Children should be involved in physical activity daily.
“The American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest that a healthy diet and vigorous physical activity lead to health growth and wellness in children.”

Being active holds many benefits such as prevention of obesity, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis.

Thus, physical fitness will help prevent diseases now and in the future.

"Physical activity contributes to developing efficient heart and lung function as well as improved motor skills and cognitive function."


Keeping all the above in mind, let’s stay active and keep children active, as well.
I hope that some of my ideas and plans in my blog have helped you.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good blog. I like the way you emphasized on the fact the children have to learning certain physical skills early in life, for it may help them when they are adults. What you wrote reminds me of athletes; athletes had to start from somewhere. A child who we care for may grow up to be a professional athlete.

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